Monday, January 26, 2009

Brook Macarandan

There has been no significant change in Brook's condition lately. I went to see her today. Her color is good, her beautiful blue eyes seem to track sound or movement somewhat. I spoke with her doctor today. The doctor had met with the neurologist and they don't to expect her to improve. My blessings to her sons, JJ, Mark, and Andrew.
Doug continues to visit her almost everyday. I thank him for the updates.
The important thing for me is to accept challenges and persevere. I held her hand which she squeezed once and told her she needs to work hard to heal. She did seem to respond to that and where my hope rests.
Thanks for the prayers.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey. you are being amazing and brave. My brother in law commented this weekend how well you are handling all of this.