Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day Thoughts

The media has become so rediculous. A town which voted in N.H. was recorded as 15 to 7 for Obama. There are more people sitting in the local diner alomost anywere having breakfast than the people in that town. How about reporting about something important. It just makes me just crazy.
Election Day should be made a national holiday. Do Catholics go to Easter Mass? Do Jews go to Temple during their many holidays? Do we not celebrate MLK's birthday? We do celebrate the Super Bowl? Isn't voting more important to our beloved country? As a voting democracy we have a terrible record in terms of the percentage of eligible voters actually voting.
Voting issues have been plaguing our nation for years. Florida comes to mind but I remember the Coast Guard finding absentee ballot boxes floating the the San Francisco Bay last presidential election. Another election stolen in 2004? Yes! G.W. Bush and Chaney are illigitamate. They ruled and the world lost. Do they care? To quote Chaney when asked about the negative polls of U.S. citizens concerning the war in Iraq he said, "So." So Mr. Chaney, all our sons and daughters deaths in that war are on your hands. An illigitimate electee because our citizens didn't take the time to vote. Wash your hands if you can Mr. Chaney.
Am I angry? Yes I am.
In this election our citizens have woken up. Thank you God. Our nation under God. Not the greed of Mr. Chaney or ignorance of Mr. Bush. Oh how you've made your friends rich with disgusting wealth and tax breaks.
So The U.S.A. needs to make election day a holiday. A ritual of the rite so many have died for.
True, due to the present administration we are no longer a viable commodity because of the debt Bush put us in with the un-needed war. He was given a surplus by a Democratic President. His Republicans have driven our debt into infamy. Everyone in the world is paying for his idiocy, his lack of business sense. And at home his lack of funding for things like every child left behind.
I hope Barack wins in a landslide. I hope the Dempcrats win enough votes to leave the crying, whining Republican right with nothing to grab on to. The Republicans have hurt this Nation like no other party or organization. My dad says Al-Quida won the war economically due to our debt. I don't agree with that. We did it to ourselves by not voting and taking interest in our democracy, by not recognising bad economics when we needed to. Greenspan even admitted to basic flaws in the banking laws.
Make election day a holiday.
When the citizenry turn out there is hope. When the citizenry are uncaring, bad things happen.
Make election day a holiday.
We need to celebrate our democracy as much as we celebrate the Super Bowl. And so what if it's another paid day off. Wouldn't it be worth it?


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