Monday, November 10, 2008

Diane Sawyer vs Bill O'Reilly

My hopefully very ending reponse to hatred and fear of the MEDIA types like Bill who profess by his own words the fear and hate mongering person he is OH so shown here. He will do his best to continue to tap into the fear and hate he says Republicans didn't respond to in this election, but I am letting him do it, not me anymore unless it becomes abusive then I will speak my mind. Try to show more love and caring without becoming vitriol in my words, heart and mind. That is my intent.

I laughed so hard at his insistance Republicans should tap into his hate and fear mongering. I'm doing my best to let that go. It's just sad to think someone is not interested in hope. What a bring down he is and how he fuels the flames of hate. Anyway. I have always respected Diane Sawyers and to watch her laugh in O'Rielly's face is just priceless.

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