Thursday, December 4, 2008

Obama Afterglow

I picked up the Times Magazine special edition on our President-Elect and started reading it from cover to cover. I love being reminded how many citizens of our country rejoiced at the results of the election.
Voter apathy has always been a concern of mine. Apathy about issues and candidates has put our country's democracy in jeopardy for many years. I became very pessimistic about the future and couldn't think about all the many problems left by Bush. Asleep at the wheel, just catch the Gibson interview.
Now there was a change. It was most notable when Obama drew 100,000 in Germany and McCain was sharing hot dogs with less than 50. And it continued but I was wary. Now I have hope. Hope that something may be done about the morass our country is in.
The wealthy still walk away with millions, lost jobs, two wars, lost retirements, environments at risk, etc. I probably could write an essay about each and more. Health costs have been known to make U.S. cars less competitive. Did Bush do anything about this? Privatize Social Security? He's just a bum.

Lack of education makes it easy to create fear and divisiveness. Republicans did a good job with this and still are. "Real American" Palin is a fear monger along with Lumbaugh. Before the 2004 election there were raised states of alerts whenever Bush' poll numbers dropped. The whole thing is sickening. I better stop thinking about it or I'm going to throw up.

Hope for the future is a powerful thing. I just hope the Republicans don't muck it up.

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