Sunday, November 23, 2008

Obama's Leadership

I think he is doing a exemplary job of choosing his advisers.
I was wondering his choosing to wait to rescind the tax breaks for the wealthy. However I do know a few folks who live in Pebble Beach and they are now trying to figure out how to survive with the stock market wiping out their financial stability. Most U.S. citizens are feeling this economic failure of unregulated banking greed. At this point it is important to keep everyone possible in their homes. When you lose the local gardener, the house keeping help, the weekly meal out and consumer spending it causes a ripple effect. That's what I have to respect is the ripple effect. It's a Buddist thing. For every job or home lost at this point, others lose their jobs. It's not about the super wealthy who have no worries, but the ones who worked hard and are involved in a trickle down effect as it were. Do they make $250,000 a year? Not likely. The super rich have no worries and won't ever. Their trickle down doesn't effect the economy. McCain saying you had to make over $5M to survive. Thank goodness we didn't elect him. The upper middle class are contributors to the economy but the executives who make a billion dollars a year are not.
So in a way to postpone the tax cuts may help the economy. If Obama also works to get the U.S. Treasury to keep it's word to help lower middle class and poor people keep their homes as well then I will continue to support his efforts in this crisis. God help us all.
P.S. I didn't need a spell check. Good for me.

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