Friday, June 20, 2008


I've been lucky that I've lived around so many rivers. The Hudson in NY, the Cedar in Iowa, the Salinas in CA. Always flowing. The Hudson was the biggest until this week when the Cedar took over it's named city.
Bigger than life and then some.
I was at the West Side Church in the 70's when the Marharishi talked about rivers. I asked him I was impatient with my personal growth. I wanted to feel peace of mind sooner than later. He said don't push the river it flows by itself.
I found this to be true in many personal relationships and in spiritual growth but not financially or when dealing with government services. You gotta go get it.
I have been so fortunate to have so many wonderful relationships in my life and great places to live like along the Hudson in New York, along the Cedar river in Iowa and in Monterey, CA. Blessed yes and I know it.

The Salinas River is just a few puddles along a muddy river bed. Nothing much left to float dwon to the sea. I know there is an underground waterway but it's all used up by the time it actually reaches Salinas. Give me a good river to ride an old tire tube into the sea and heaven awaits me.

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